Amar Georges, Foresighter, painter and writer |
Amphoux Pascal, Architect-Town Planner |
Andrieu Bernard, Philosopher |
Beau Frank, Independent Researcher |
Berdoulay Vincent, Geographer |
Berque Augustin, Oriental Studies Geographer |
Berthoz Alain, Physiology of Perception and Action Chair |
Besnier Jean-Michel, Chair of the Philosophy of Information and Communication Science |
Bonfiglioli Sandra, Town Planner |
Boutinet Jean-Pierre, Psycho-sociologist |
Breznitz Dan, Economist |
Cattan Nadine, Geographer |
Cantal-Dupart Michel, Architect-Town Planner |
Chamoiseau Patrick, Writer |
Charlot Annick, Choreographer |
Claval Paul, Geographer |
Colleoni Matteo, Sociologist |
Cordobes Stéphane, Foresighter |
Gallais André, Emeritus Professor, Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences and Industries |
Gómez Mendoza Josefina, Geographer |
Gordiani Philippe, Composer |
Gravari-Barbas Maria, Geographer |
Jacques Anne-Sophie, Journalist (“Arrêt sur images” TV scrutiny show) and playwright |
Jauréguiberry Francis, Sociologist |
Jegou François, Designer |
Kaplan Daniel, Chief Representative FING |
Kersalé Yann, Artiste Lumière |
Le Floc’h Maud, Town Planner and Scriptwriter |
Moulier-Boutang Yann, Economist and philosopher |
Petit Laurent, Agence Nationale de Psychanalyse Urbaine |
Rabin Gilles, Economist |
Rey Alain, Linguist and lexicographer |
Roche Michèle, Geographer |
Sanchez-Mazas Alicia, Geneticist |
Turco Angelo, Geographer |
Viard Jean, Sociologist |
Wunenburger Jean-Jacques, Philosopher |
Younès Chris, Philosopher |
Zeldin Théodore, Historian |