
Amar Georges, Foresighter, painter and writer

Amphoux Pascal, Architect-Town Planner

Andrieu Bernard, Philosopher

Beau Frank, Independent Researcher

Berdoulay Vincent, Geographer

Berque Augustin, Oriental Studies Geographer

Berthoz Alain, Physiology of Perception and Action Chair

Besnier Jean-Michel, Chair of the Philosophy of Information and Communication Science

Bonfiglioli Sandra, Town Planner

Boutinet Jean-Pierre, Psycho-sociologist

Breznitz Dan, Economist

Cattan Nadine, Geographer

Cantal-Dupart Michel, Architect-Town Planner

Chamoiseau Patrick, Writer

Charlot Annick, Choreographer

Claval Paul, Geographer

Colleoni Matteo, Sociologist

Cordobes Stéphane, Foresighter

Gallais André, Emeritus Professor, Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences and Industries

Gómez Mendoza Josefina, Geographer

Gordiani Philippe, Composer

Gravari-Barbas Maria, Geographer

Jacques Anne-Sophie, Journalist (“Arrêt sur images” TV scrutiny show) and playwright

Jauréguiberry Francis, Sociologist

Jegou François, Designer

Kaplan Daniel, Chief Representative FING

Kersalé Yann, Artiste Lumière

Le Floc’h Maud, Town Planner and Scriptwriter

Moulier-Boutang Yann, Economist and philosopher

Petit Laurent, Agence Nationale de Psychanalyse Urbaine

Rabin Gilles, Economist

Rey Alain, Linguist and lexicographer

Roche Michèle, Geographer

Sanchez-Mazas Alicia, Geneticist

Turco Angelo, Geographer

Viard Jean, Sociologist

Wunenburger Jean-Jacques, Philosopher

Younès Chris, Philosopher

Zeldin Théodore, Historian

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